The favourable benefits of ThePocketBidet®

Feeling clean, refreshed, and confident could be the new vibes for 2020 while we are all stuck at home. With the lack of toilet paper available in stores, many people have resorted to a refreshing and beneficial way of cleaning up after a trip to the toilet. After using this product, you will have many reasons not to go back to using toilet paper.

Nothing feels better than using a product that benefits your personal needs and the environment. There are many benefits that come from using this life changing product; it will convince you to use it during your trips to the bathroom. Having access to comfort and good health has never gotten any easier. 

ThePocketBidet® is the product you need that many in Italy refer to as an essential piece of equipment. Bidets are known to come with several different features that are great to have when you are home, but ThePocketBidet® is convenient to take with you anywhere you go. ThePocketBidet® is easy to use, easy to carry and you’ll never stop using it after the first try. With its water feature, you will experience a refreshing and soothing trip to the toilet. Water is an essential substance everyone uses to wash their bodies, hands, and it helps plants flourish. 

No, but really this product is beneficial in several ways and here's how.

The Favorable Benefits Of The Pocket Bidet

Bidets are essential for our personal hygiene

The use of dry toilet paper is not enough to remove the lingering residue or skid marks we aren't aware of. This residue increases the chances of getting an infection. ThePocketBidet® is a great solution for these problems as it helps to remove the residue, and it will leave you feeling refreshed. The fresh rinse from ThePocketBidet® will leave you feeling extremely clean as it won't leave any residue traveling with you all day. This essential product is beneficial for everyone including: females, males, the elderly, children and the Earth. Using ThePocketBidet®, will positively change your trip to the toilet after experiencing the benefits it provides.

Females benefit from using ThePocketBidet®

There are moments in life that make it difficult for females to enjoy a trip to the toilet. Having to deal with the discomfort of menstruation, UTI infections, and pregnancy can be alleviated with the use of ThePocketBidet®. 

Menstruation is a tough cycle to go through, but it doesn't mean you can’t be feeling clean and confident during these times. The particles that come with the flow of blood can sometimes create a strong pungent smell when it comes into contact with bacteria in the air. This discomforting feeling can be prevented by using ThePocketBidet®. With ThePocketBidet®, you will be able to remove the smell by the refreshing splash of cleansing water. The rinse of the water will leave you feeling clean and confident after every trip to the toilet. 

The risk of getting UTI infections are common as a female. There is nothing more dreadful than having to deal with the symptoms of infections. They are inconvenient because they cause discomfort, itching, and discharge. What's worse is using toilet paper in times like these; toilet paper can increase the risks of getting a UTI by wiping from front to back. Using ThePocketBidet®, will leave you as clean as possible with the stream of water gently cleaning the area in each use. 

During pregnancy, female's bodies change as they expand leading to weight gain making it difficult to reach areas such as their butt to wipe down. Their weight gain develops issues with hemorrhoids leaving symptoms such as: swelling, bleeding, and itching. These common problems can be made worse with the use of toilet paper. Toilet paper irritates these genital areas making it difficult to get rid of. With ThePocketBidet®, pregnant females will have a way to clean themselves with a soft and pleasant splash of water. Not to forget females also have trouble using the toilet after they have given birth. It can be rough and painful to use toilet paper throughout the recovery time, but the portable bidet ensures extra help with its soothing stream of water when it comes to staying clean, fresh, and comfortable. 

Men benefit from using ThePocketBidet®

As men go about their daily lives working to provide for their families they often forget to take care of themselves. Oftentimes men go days without knowing their habits are leading to discomfort related to constipation and hemorrhoids. With ThePocketBidet®,  the irritation can be alleviated by the soothing water instead of using toilet paper that can be rough on your genital areas. If you already face problems with skin irritation, the stream of water helps soothe the area relieving further inflammation and discomfort. ThePocketBidet® will ensure cleanliness by improving anal hygiene and providing a refreshing, comfortable way of cleaning residue.

The elderly benefit from using ThePocketBidet®

Independency is an attribute the elderly want to feel when they take a trip to the toilet. It is an unsettling feeling when arthritis, incontinence, and immobility gets in the way of being able to take care of their personal needs. Incontinence symptoms vary from slight leaking to uncontrollable urinating. Without relying on others, the elderly can use ThePocketBidet® easily on their own. It can help reduce the feeling of embarrassment by providing an accessible and easy way to refresh and keep clean. 

Young children benefit from using the ThePocketBidet®

It takes young children a while to get potty trained and just a little longer for them to learn how to clean themselves thoroughly. Beginning to use ThePocketBidet® ,  at a young age can promote a healthy and hygienic way of washing away defecation. This early stage of promoting ThePocketBidet® will leave a last longing awareness of the benefits. Your children will know how to properly clean themselves and will feel refreshed after using the toilet wherever they go. 

Health benefits from using ThePocketBidet®

As mentioned before, men go days without knowing their habits are leading them to the discomfort of constipation and hemorrhoids. Not only men experience hemorrhoids; there are millions of people who suffer from the symptoms and can’t rely on the expenses that come from surgery. ThePocketBidet® is a great alternative to use instead of toilet paper as it alleviates the sensation of swelling, itching, and bleeding.

Another health problem that can be relieved by using ThePocketBidet® is Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which causes symptoms such as severe diarrhea. The rectum area is prone to mild or severe pain making trips to the toilet dreadful. Using ThePocketBidet®, will soothe the area and make the cleaning process easier, and enjoyable leaving no trace of residue behind. 

Using the ThePocketBidet® helps the environment

If everyone were to use ThePocketBidet®, the Earth will benefit from it too. The amount of toilet paper we use on a daily basis is disastrous to our environment. About 10% of the toilet paper we use makes up the equivalent amount of 270,000 trees that are thrown into landfills. Moreover, toilet paper is processed with thousands of chemicals that are harmful to the Earth and water that is used in this destructive process amounts to 473 billion gallons - which does not reach the reduced amount of water that is used in portable bidets. Using portable bidets reduces our consumption of water, trees and energy that is used to make toilet paper. Our reduction in toilet paper will impact our environment in significant ways and we will have an Earth flourishing with many trees. 

The benefits that come with ThePocketBidet® provides a new level of cleanliness, confidence and comfort that are inclusive to everyone. This alternative experience will leave an enjoyable lasting effect with the benefits that come with washing instead of wiping; one of them being a healthier way of living. 
