How to Install a Toilet Bidet?

Toilet bidets are an eco-friendly way to get clean after using the bathroom, with more benefits than most can count.

These devices are installed on the toilet tank and make for a more hygienic alternative to toilet paper. Most people install them for the environmental benefits, but they also offer other benefits like saving time and money, as well as being a luxury item that many people enjoy.

How Can a Bidet Benefit You?

Bidets have been a longstanding fixture in Japanese and Korean homes for centuries, but they are just now becoming an increasingly popular fixture in bathrooms across America.

The benefits of using a bidet seat over regular toilet seats are numerous. For example, Bidets offer a more thorough cleansing experience and can also be used to help with constipation and hemorrhoids.

Although the bidet is a fixture in many homes in Japan and Korea, bidets were invented by the French in the late 17th century. The bidet was first introduced to the US by Japanese culture, who believed it to be a more sanitary way of washing after using the restroom. There are now many different types of bidets on the market today, all designed for specific purposes.

How Can a Bidet Benefit You_

Additionally, bidets have a number of benefits that make them more desirable than your average toilet seat. One of the main benefits of using a toilet bidet is that it will make your bathroom feel cleaner. Most notably, bidets can provide a more thorough cleansing experience than modern toilet seats, as the water from the bidet is directed at specific areas of your body.

Many users also like that they help remove any leftover bacteria and allergens from your bottom, whereas toilet paper can’t.

To read more about what bidets are and how they can help benefit you, you can check out the resources on our website. If you’re unsure of which bidet is right for you, our article on 5 Easy Steps to Choosing the Right Bidet  should help.

So now knowing all these benefits to having a bidet, the question must be asked, how do you even install a toilet bidet?

How to Install a Bidet Toilet Seat?

The whole process of installing your bidet toilet seat should take about 30 minutes or less, though there may be variations on the installation process depending on the type of bidet you purchased and other factors. Here’s a standard step-by-step guide to set up your new bidet toilet seat.

Steps to Install Your Bidet Toilet Seat

Doing your own plumbing work may seem hard, but installing a bidet toilet seat doesn’t require you to call the plumber. It’s a simple installation that connects directly to the already existing water supply.

Step 1

Make sure you have all necessary tools and accessories. You’ll need some plumbing tools, like an adjustable wrench, a screwdriver (check to see if you need a flathead or Phillips for your specific model of bidet toilet seat), a rag or towel for cleanup, and a bucket for any stray water droplets. You’ll also need the toilet seat bidet that you’ve chosen for installation.

How to Install a Bidet Toilet Seat

Step 2

Remove the old toilet seat. You can unscrew this at the back where the hinges are. If yours has plastic coverings over them, pop them off with the screwdriver for easy access. Once you’ve unscrewed it, lift the toilet seat off and it should remove easily.

Remove the old toilet seat.

Step 3

Clean the rim of your toilet to prepare it for a new toilet seat. You can use the regular cleaning supplies from when you normally clean the toilet.

Step 4

Turn off the water supply to the toilet. To find the control valve, look behind the toilet near the floor. There should be a supply hose running from the bottom of your toilet to the water supply on the wall. The oval shaped valve is where you will turn it clockwise until it stops. Then flush your toilet to drain any excess water that was still in the tank.

water supply to the toilet

Step 5

Install your new bidet toilet seat T-valve. This should have been included with your bidet toilet seat accessories. It’s a T-shaped valve that will help divert water from just the toilet to your bidet.

Unscrew the water supply hose from the bottom of your toilet and be prepared for any leftover water droplets to leak out. You’ll want to have your bucket handy. Attach the T-Valve where the supply hose was attached and then re-attach the water supply hose to the bottom of your T-Valve.

Unscrew the water supply

Step 6

Next, it’s time to mount the new bidet toilet seat to the toilet itself. There should have been a flat plastic mounting plate included in your bidet toilet seat accessories. Position this to the back of the rim, lining it up with the existing bolt holes. Insert the mounting bolts that were included and secure them with the nuts underneath the rim. These nuts and bolts can be plastic or metal, depending on what was included. After securing the mounting plate, glide the bidet seat onto the plate and you should hear it click into place when it’s lined up correctly.

Step 7

Now, connect your seat to the water supply. It will have its own water supply hose and needs to be connected to the open side of the T-valve. Attach the other side of this hose to the bidet seat. Go back and double check that all the connections are secured. You’re now ready to re-open the valve you shut off earlier.

Open the valve by twisting it counterclockwise. Doing this will fill up your tank and supply your new bidet seat with water. Before you clean up, check for leaks and tighten any connections that you find are loose.

Now you’re all set to use your new bidet toilet seat!

Is there an alternative that doesn’t require installation?

Yes! If installation doesn’t seem like the right path for you, there’s always the option to get a bidet that doesn’t require it. These are travel bidets.

The Pocket Bidet® is a great alternative to a fixed bidet that stays in one room. Along with having a travelling bidet, you get the certainty that you’re the only one using this intimate area cleaner. It can help keep you even more secure from other bacteria. With The Pocket Bidet®, you don’t have to worry about installation, and it’s a safe, easy, and convenient way to stay clean on the go!
