How to Choose the Right Toilet Bidet in 5 Easy Steps

Bidets are not just for the rich and famous. They are an effective way to clean your sensitive areas after using the toilet, and have loads of other benefits as well. Bidet lovers say that they keep their intimate areas cleaner than toilet paper alone, which is especially important for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease. For people who don't want to use toilet paper, bidets are a great alternative to wiping. 

1.  Choose the Right Toilet for the Job

If your toilet is old, it may be a bit older than that which the standard model of bidet is compatible with . Older toilets may not have the necessary drain, the perforations of the tank may not be of a good quality, or the tank may have a lower capacity than needed. Additionally, a square tank will help to make cleaning a lot easier.

Also, decide if you want the bidet mounted or underneath the tank. The mount can be a long or short piece of kit. They are usually installed on a wall or on a counter.

In most cases, you won’t need to get a new toilet to have a bidet installed, but it’s worth contemplation depending on your personal situation and needs.

How to Choose the Right Toilet Bidet

2.  Choose the Model

To choose the right model, you'll need to decide if you want a more affordable bidet that will be adequate for daily use or a premium model that will last a long time. Either way, you'll be able to choose between a disposable system or a fixed bidet. If you plan to use it as a luxury item that you will enjoy, the more expensive models will be more appealing to you.

Bidets can be categorized as either an electric or non-electric model, and it depends on personal preference which model you should consider for your bathroom.

Electric Bidet:

An electric bidet is operated with an electrical switch; it delivers a powerful spray of water close to your body surface. The pressure of an electric bidet can range from low to high, and some even have temperature control settings.

Non-Electric Bidet:

A non-electric bidet has no moving parts and delivers refreshing water to the user via an internal spray nozzle. The user is provided with a comfortable, private experience that is not disruptive or damaging to furniture. This bidet is also usually of lower price.

3.  Choose the Type

When it comes to the types of bidets, there’s a handful to choose from. Which one you choose will depend on your personal preference and how much you want to spend.

Ceramic or Stand-Alone Bidets

A traditional type of bidet, this is  the one you see most commonly in European and Asian countries.

It has existed for a long time and is a stand-alone bidet that sits entirely separately from the toilet bowl and catches the used water in a container to save it for further use. Since this type of bidet stands separate from the toilet bowl, you only use it for cleansing after you've done your business.

Ceramic or Stand-Alone Bidets

Toilets with ceramic bases usually come with the option to control the water temperature. But since newer designs have emerged in recent years, these days less people want them. However, this difference means that these types of bidets are more cost-effective than newer models.

Ceramic bidets take up more space and can't be used in bathrooms with modern layouts without an update to accommodate the bidet. They also require plumbing that is separate from the regular toilet system. Using a ceramic bidet can be a bit messier though, since you need to use an entirely separate bowl to clean yourself. However, if you have more space in your bathroom, having a ceramic bidet can add a luxurious feel to the room itself.

Spray or Handheld Bidets

A popular option when buying a bidet is to either get a mount or go for the portable one. Another, less common choice is to opt for a handheld bidet or bidet sprays. With this bidet, the hose connects the toilet to a faucet with a sprayer.

A spray-type bidet can be easy to use and gives you more flexibility when directing the water flow compared to a stationary ceramic bidet. It also lets the user choose what water pressure they want. They're affordable, easy to use and you can install it on your own as well.

Spray or Handheld Bidets

Toilet Seat or Built-in Bidets

Some toilet seats can include a bidet as one seamless appliance. These seats can clean certain parts of your body automatically, which is especially helpful for people who are unable to reach. The modern design and updated styling includes functionality that isn’t found in other types of bidets. Some newer functions included are a heated seat or toilet rim, water temperature control, or even warm air dryers.

Even though they have more features than a ceramic bidet, sometimes it’s not the best option. The electricity requirement can be a turn-off for some people as it adds more expense each month. Plus, since these are the most updated fixed bidets, they can be more expensive than other types.

Toilet Seat or Built-in Bidets

Bidet Attachments

Many American households who have chosen to opt for a  bidet have the less expensive bidet attachment. It's a bidet-style toilet attachment that fits snugly beneath the already present toilet bowl, hence the name. They are often affordable and are more eco-friendly. Furthermore, the hygiene improvements they provide are the same as that of a traditional bidet.

The cost of these is cheaper, but it might not have features you find in the more expensive toilet seat bidet models—for example, for controlling the temperature. On the other hand, homeowners have lots of options in terms of design on the market. Plus, if you're looking for basic functions only, this is certainly a solid choice.

Portable or Travel Bidets

There's a misconception that only pricey, stationary bidets are available for purchase. In truth, there are also "portable" or travel bidets that aren't as costly and work very well for those on-the-go.

While inexpensive, you may find it a bit more comfortable to use overall. Since this is a personal bidet, you don’t have to worry about coming in contact with anyone else’s bacteria. You also have full control over the bidet itself, from spray pressure to water temperature.

This bidet water bottle has an angled spray nozzle that extends out from the top of the bottle. Also known as bidet bottles, these are a type that you may find more convenient to use to avoid irritation. Besides travelers who want some relief, this is also ideal for people that are suffering from hemorrhoids and can't use the public restroom or other people's bathrooms that only have toilet paper.

If you decide to go with this option of a travel bidet, make sure to check out The Pocket Bidet®, the perfectly portable and easy to use bidet that is always there whenever and wherever you need it.

Pocket Bidet


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4.  Know How Much Water Is Used

Water usage is another aspect to consider when purchasing a bidet. For most bidets, typical water usage is about an eighth of a gallon (16 oz ) of water per use.

Alternatively though, The Pocket Bidet® only uses 386ML/13 oz of water per use. So, depending on other factors, the travel-sized Pocket Bidet® saves on water per use and can be taken on the go when you need it.

5.  Find What Fits Into Your Lifestyle

The right bidet for you isn’t what’s trending on the market or what’s the most commonly used bidet around the world. The right bidet is one that fits in with your own personal lifestyle. So, while researching to find out what the right bidet is for you, think about your daily activities. Are you an active person? Or do you prefer to stay at home?

If you’re constantly on the go, whether going to work, out to eat, or travelling around, having a functional bidet would be the best option for you. Consider The Pocket Bidet® as your chosen bidet to use and take with you on the go. The Pocket Bidet® is a fast, safe, and convenient way to always have a bidet with you, no matter where you may go.


Choosing the right toilet bidet can take some time and research. But the overall best way to know what will work best for you, is #5 - Find what fits into your lifestyle. Make sure to analyze your daily habits and preferences and choose what works best for you!
