Camping Adventures with the Pocket Bidet

Camping Adventures with the Pocket Bidet

Self-esteem is a prominent attribute we carry within ourselves each and every day. It is a term we use to describe how we feel about ourselves at any given time. It shows how positive or negative our attitude about ourselves are and the value we impose on ourselves. Just like our feelings, our self-esteem changes based on the situations we put ourselves in. It is influenced by the experiences we live through. Sometimes we have many moments in our lives we cherish, where we feel the happiest and then there are some moments, we wish we could forget. Our lives can be so unpredictable at times and the best way to get through these times is to have a high self-esteem. But sometimes keeping high self-esteem is the last thing we end up doing. 

Have you ever been in a situation where your self-esteem ruined the perfect moment? Suddenly, you became so disappointed by the outcome of the perfect moment that you no longer wanted to be there. Well, your self-esteem has much control of your decision making process. It is what gives you the courage and confidence to get through things no matter the situation, but when you have low self-esteem, you may have trouble feeling good about yourself and it can lead to ruining perfect moments.


Here is a story you might be able to relate to, where self-esteem turned a perfect moment into something you wouldn’t want to remember.

It was a beautiful spring day in April. On this day Natalie and her boyfriend, Aaron, were getting ready to go on a mini getaway they had been planning for the past two weeks. They were so excited about this camping trip because they had not seen each other for a month. Their hearts were fluttering to the beat of their excitement, as their faces were lit with smiles, but Natalie had trouble keeping a smile that day. Aaron had everything set up at the camping site right before Natalie’s arrival. He felt so warm inside each time he saw the smile on Natalie’s face. Aaron knew he was the reason why Natalie smiled and that made him want to surprise her even more. Aaron had decided to start the camping trip with a surprise picnic with all of Natalie’s favorite food. He had packed several meals for them, but for Natalie’s arrival, Aaron was going to surprise her with steak and mashed potatoes for lunch and strawberry cheesecake for dessert.

Natalie was trying her best to have a great morning that day, as her period had just started. She was hoping her period wouldn’t cause her to have a terrible weekend, and potentially ruin her trip. She started her morning routine with a hot tea to keep her painful cramps at a bearable state. After she ate breakfast, she began to get ready for her trip. She curled her hair with her favorite curling iron, and put on a comfortable, flowy dress she had purchased specifically for this date, from H&M. She knew that this trip was going to be one to remember, as she was looking out her window watching the still breeze caress the tree in her front yard, as the sun shined down on this beautiful afternoon. As soon as Natalie finished getting ready, she was on her way to the camping site, where Aaron was waiting for her. 


Driving to the park felt like forever, Natalie wanted to get there as soon as possible to give Aaron a long-awaited hug and spend the entire day together. Even though Natalie was eager to finally see Aaron again, there was an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach she could not stop thinking about. She made it to the camping site right at the time they both agreed upon. Natalie was about to get out of the car, but before leaving, she took one last look in the mirror. She noticed how perfect her hair looked and she felt proud of it. Immediately after noticing her hair, she felt unbearable pain coming from her lower abdomen area. Oh no, she thought I can’t possibly have these cramps right now. She knew the pain would affect her mood and potentially ruin her perfect trip. Natalie took one last look in the mirror, and she could see the pain on her face.

Slowly Natalie hopped right out of her car and began walking towards the camp site, where Aaron was waiting with a bouquet of flowers in his arm. Aaron was staring at her with the biggest smile. Natalie’s self-esteem grew a bit after seeing his wide smile; she was happy that she was able to see his face in person and not through the phone screen. Finally, they hugged and kissed each other passionately, but Natalie abruptly placed her palm against his chest as she backed away. Aaron noticed she wasn’t smiling, as big as she usually does, so he decided to ask her if everything was okay. Natalie shrugged her shoulders and reassured him that she was happy to see him again, as she smelled the flowers. In the back of her mind, Natalie was thinking about where the closest bathroom was to make sure the cramps weren’t leaving traces of blood behind. She felt this uncomfortable weight on her shoulders for not wanting to ruin the picnic and the rest of the trip. But she needed to use the bathroom, so Natalie let Aaron know before they began eating. 

Natalie makes her way to the restroom. She goes into the stall she barges into first and checks herself. Her underwear has a small spot, but it isn’t blood it looks like it could be discharge. What a relief she thought, as she reached for some toilet paper. To her surprise, there was no toilet paper...of course she thought this is the park notoriously known for never having any toilet paper. The feeling of being uncomfortable comes over her again, but this time her self-esteem lowers as she feels dirty and lacks confidence in going back to the picnic. Natalie has no choice but to head back to Aaron, because it's been a long time since they've seen each other and the last thing she wants is to ruin the moment. She heads back to Aaron. 


As they began to eat Aaron asked Natalie about her family and what she had been up to. Natalie responded with a low voice and felt herself want to tell him the truth of how she really feels, but she can’t. She changes the subject by talking about how much she has thought about him and how special this moment was. Aaron then made the move to approach her with a sweet kiss on the lips and he suddenly eases his way on top of her. It kills her inside because she knows that she wants him as badly as he does, but she can’t help thinking of how unclean she felt. Her lack of confidence left her feeling unworthy of this moment. Aaron wants to please her, but Natalie can’t help but stop the intimacy from getting further. She tells Aaron they can’t do this now. She grabs her bag and leaves, making the person who loves her feel unwanted.  

Aaron did not understand why Natalie reacted that way. He thought maybe he misread the signs and Natalie may not be as into him as he had thought. He questioned their relationship’s integrity. Their perfect moment didn’t last long, as Natalie ran off to the bathroom. Natalie realized what she had done and felt incredibly bad. She had been waiting all her life to be treated well by a man and now she had the perfect man, who loved her and always put in the effort in their relationship. She was upset that she was ruining the most perfect date, with the man she loved.

Natalie thought to herself, she should either come clean to Aaron and bear the embarrassment or find a way to fix this situation. While Natalie was thinking of solutions, she remembered her sister had given her a personal hygiene gift that she kept in her car for emergencies, but never actually used before.

Natalie quickly ran out to her car to get it and came back to the bathroom. She didn’t quite remember what the product was going to do for her, but she hoped it would help her discomfort. She read on the box, it said The Pocket Bidet®, “Never doubt your hygiene again”. Natalie thought to herself, this is just what she needed. Natalie read the steps on the box and used The Pocket Bidet® to wash up without toilet paper.  

toilet paper

After using the portable bidet, Natalie felt amazing! She felt like she just got out of the shower. She felt fresh and hygienic, which was the feeling she had been hoping for all day. Within seconds, Natalie gained her confidence back. The Pocket Bidet® was able to wash away what made her feel unclean. This experience had changed the way she felt about herself. Natalie understood why her sister had gifted her this magic bidet bottle. She made a mental note to always take The Pocket Bidet® with her, as it was compact and would easily fit in her purse.


Natalie’s self-esteem was restored, and she now had the courage to let Aaron know that she was going through. She no longer felt ashamed or dirty. They could now continue their plans for the trip.

The moral of this story is your self-esteem can change the way you value yourself, and the decisions you make in uncomfortable situations can potentially ruin perfect moments. Natalie’s story is a story many of us can relate to where we’ve felt uncomfortable with the natural way our bodies are, but hygiene products like The Pocket Bidet® can change an awkward moment into a pleasant moment. With the help of The Pocket Bidet®, Natalie was able to feel clean and confident and continue enjoying her perfect moment.

Pocket Bidet