Best Portable Bidet for Awkward Self-Care Moments

“Um, excuse me.  Could you please hand over some toilet paper?  I’m out over here.”

Ever tried to laugh off one of those tragically embarrassing moments?  Or maybe you cannot sit comfortably for any length of time because of inflamed hemorrhoids, fissures, or another discomfort down below? And let’s not forget about our pregnant readers who may be struggling to bend and wipe appropriately, leading to some uncomfortable personal hygiene bathroom conversations with doctors, partners, friends, and family. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to avoid these kinds of conversations? 

We think so, too.  That’s why we’re here.  Hygiene is an important part of our health and well-being, both physically and emotionally.  We’re here to tell you about a simple, discreet, and highly accommodating device that can go wherever you go, and no one needs to know. 

A portable bidet is a perfect solution to help you avoid awkward and unexpected bathroom social interactions, improve personal hygiene habits, and reduce the risk of spreading bacteria and viruses.  It’s also more eco-friendly than using toilet paper!  A travel-size bidet can help you stay fresh, clean, and confident all day long, wherever you are.

Personal Hygiene Isn’t Always Easy to Maintain

Doesn’t it seem like that headline could be a paragraph and statement all by itself?  Did you find yourself nodding?  Then it’s likely you need a portable bidet to keep on top of your body cleanliness and personal hygiene goals and preferences. 

We’ve all avoided public bathrooms for various personal reasons.  Well, most of us have, at least. The feeling of uncleanliness sticks to you after using a public restroom, sometimes literally. Think of all the people who have a TP snafu and don’t wash their hands well.  We all know and have seen a few. 

Or maybe you’re on the go and outdoors a lot, without easy access to toilet paper.  A portable bidet is perfect for the outdoors enthusiast.  One of the most important reasons to use a personal bidet is for environmental reasons. We’ll discuss that more later.

Whatever the case, bathroom habits rightfully take up a lot of real estate in our day-to-day thinking and activities.  We might as well do it right and utilize modern technology to keep ourselves clean, fresh, and healthy.  So, you’re in the right place. You’re among others who want to do something more for themselves and their personal hygiene.  It’s such an easy and pleasant way to do self-care.

Who Needs a Personal Portable Bidet?

Literally everyone.  But mostly, the people who are drawn to our product are:

- obsessed with personal cleanliness, especially in bathroom routines

- on-the-go folks in need of a personal hygiene device that easily and discreetly fits into a pocket, purse, or carry-on luggage bag

- campers, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts who’ve had to use their limited botany knowledge to make major life decisions about a toilet paper alternative . . . in the wild

- personal hygiene enthusiasts who are always looking for eco-friendly options

- soon-to-be moms and pregnant surrogates need a simple, convenient, and portable way to keep the runways clear without bending or twisting so much

- hemorrhoid sufferers — it's a real pain in the butt, we know; a personal portable bidet can make healing more manageable and practical

- moms, dads, and nannies who are tired of using baby wipes and need a natural way to clean baby bums

- women with heavy menstrual cycles

- those with back pain and other mobility problems

See why we say 'everyone needs a bidet'?  A portable bidet can help kids learn and keep good personal hygiene habits at school.  It allows women during pregnancy and menstruation to stay clean, comfortable, and confident after bathroom breaks. And it helps men with back problems, hemorrhoids, or other medical issues remain clean and healthy without discomfort.

Did we miss you?  Leave a comment at the end of the post!  We love hearing from our readers.

How Personal Hygiene Affects Health

Toiletries Are Uncomfortable and Eco-UNfriendly

Let’s face it — wiping is not the most pleasant experience. First, you have to make sure you have enough toilet paper to do the deed without getting it all over your hand (yuck!). And if you’re in public, you’ll have to take the walk of shame to the sink with that on your hand, permeating around you. It’s an exceedingly unpleasant experience. 

Most of us aren’t patrons to posh places with bathrooms that come complete with a servant who hands you a disposable lamb’s ear cloth for toilet paper, which also happens to be eco-friendly.

Using toilet paper isn't exactly a comfortable experience for most of us unless you buy a "comforter" brand and carry it around with you.  Those are even worse for the environment than other single-use paper products.  But most of us are more familiar with the thinner quality of public bathroom toilet paper that makes you wince while scraping up the sensitive skin that just got stretched to its limits.

Then you have to do it again.

And again.

And probably again . . . you get the gist.

Pregnancy, medical conditions like IBS and Crohn's disease, or physical disabilities can make going to the bathroom in public uncomfortable.   

How many of you have sacrificed going out or into public because you're probably going to need to use the bathroom at some point, and you just know it's going to be gross, awkward, or unpleasant?  Wouldn't it be nice to have a device that fits in your pocket or handbag that makes life a little more comfortable in a public space?  That's where a portable bidet comes in handy. 

How Personal Hygiene Affects Health

Finally, we must talk a bit about the environment.  Toilet paper is seriously not a friendly companion to our currently impaired environment. For us, it's essential also to do our part to lower the carbon footprint by reducing single-use paper products that clog up sewage and water systems.

Now for the real kicker of using a small portable bidet in place of toilet paper. Not only does it reduce your carbon footprint by reducing the number of rolls you use per week, but you’ll save money because you won’t be buying so much TP!  A family of four can spend $1200 to $1500+ on toilet paper every year, or about $300 to $500 per person.

What could you do with that extra money, minus the one-time cost of your PocketBidet®?

How a Portable Bidet Can Improve Quality of Life

What exactly is the quality of life anyway?  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines the quality of life as "a broad multidimensional concept that usually includes subjective evaluations of both positive and negative aspects of life." 

Health, career, housing, schools, neighborhood, and general culture are all domains under the quality-of-life umbrella.  Each of them carries weight. It's hard to imagine a bidet can be one of the many answers to achieving a high quality of life.  The thought that a compact travel bidet is part of that balance is almost comical, but it’s true. Let’s look at it this way:

  1. using a bidet in place of toilet paper is far more hygienic and reduces the risk of feces-borne pathogens and bacterial infections
  2. many career professionals are on-the-go and need a way to stay clean, fresh, and confident anywhere and everywhere
  3. a bidet reduces the need for toilet paper, which lowers household expenses and lowers the risk of clogged toilets and expensive sewage repairs
  4. schools and neighborhoods benefit from cleaner water supplies, and the children can learn better personal hygiene habits while doing something good for the environment

It would appear that keeping a clean bottom and a fresh, confident smile can improve one’s total quality of life. 

How Personal Hygiene Affects Health

How Personal Hygiene Affects Health

Good personal hygiene equals better health. Poor hygiene habits often lead to both physical and physiological problems.  Physical issues come manifest as greasy skin, scabies, thinning hair, and an unpleasant body odor.  Inside the body, poor hygiene can lead to infection and chronic sluggishness or fatigue. 

Using the bathroom isn't exactly the most exciting thing we share with other living beings. It's necessary but a little gross because we're getting rid of toxic substances. Using your hands and thin toilet paper to wipe could make it difficult to keep your hands from transporting bacteria to other external surfaces and internal orifices, like the eye or nose.

To give you an idea of what can go wrong when personal hygiene isn’t taken seriously:

- Greater risk of bacterial and viral infections

- Pink eye

- Low self-esteem and confidence

- Decreased sex drive

- Worsened hemorrhoids

And many more issues depending on which personal hygiene habit we're discussing. Others, like brushing your teeth and taking baths, contribute to overall health and well-being as well. The issues discussed here are more common in those who lack good personal hygiene habits on the toilet, in the stall, or squatting in the wilderness somewhere.

The answer to good “down there” hygiene is simple: A portable bidet that you can carry with you everywhere you go. It’s compact and easily fits in your pocket, purse, or bag. 

How Personal Hygiene Affects Health

A Compact Travel Bidet That Changes Everything

Have you ever heard of a “tabò” or a “lota”? These two things have been around for centuries.  The lota is a vessel that looks similar to a teapot—not exactly something you want to pull out in a public bathroom and fill at the sink. Think of those awkward conversations about what it is and why you have it.  All it would take is one curious set of eyes on a kid who knows no social boundaries.   

The tabò is still widely used in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and East Timor.  Essentially, it’s a bucket used for cleansing oneself after going to the bathroom. It’s also used for bathing and cleaning the bathroom floor.  This, too, would be an unsettling device to trudge into a toilet or while you’re exploring the outdoors. 

While these two portable bidet-like devices are still around today, they are not exactly convenient. They don’t easily fit into your pocket or purse without a significant and obvious bulge. 

The Pocket Bidet® is a good replacement or solution to your on-the-go going needs. It’s a hand-held water bottle made of FDA-approved polyethylene and silicon.  It collapses inwardly for convenient transportation to wherever it is you go when you need to go.  No bigger than an inch-and-a-half thick, The Pocket Bidet® holds 500 mL/16.9 oz. of water and has an ergonomically correct, angled nozzle that you can adjust to get at the desired area.

Basically, The Pocket Bidet® shrinks down to about the size of a donut. The personal travel bidet is 3.8 inches wide and 1.7 inches thick when collapsed.  Simply fill the bottle with water, adjust the nozzle to the angle that suits your preference, and squeeze the water out.

The Pocket Bidet® gives you complete control of the water pressure when you’re cleaning up after doing important business.

And don’t worry! The water bottle has a well-compressed protected shell to keep the 16.9 ounces from escaping.  It also stands up on its own.  So, feel free to do a stealthy prefill and sneak it into your purse or bag for travel. There’s no shame in always being prepared, especially for something as sensitive and private as your bathroom toilet habits. Stay fresh and clean, friends. 


It Feels So Good to Be Clean

pocket bidet
Whether for preference, cleanliness, health, or the environment, the perfect travel and portable companion is The Pocket Bidet®.  It's a discreet hand-held device that keeps you fresh, clean, healthy, and confident everywhere you go, whenever you need to go.

Build Friendships of Silence with Other Personal Hygiene Enthusiasts

There are many reasons one would consider carrying and using a personal portable device like The Pocket Bidet®.  A bonus benefit to whatever reason you give yourself is that you become part of a secret society of hygienic friends. 

Only a fellow bidet user will know what this device is if anyone gets a glimpse of it, and they’re going to pretend like they don’t. They’ll give you a little smile from the corner of their mouths, which you’ll see from the corner of your eye, and then you’ll go about your business.  You connected with another human being, and they’re not disgusting.  How lovely.

There’s really no reason to wait, is there?

Just thinking about how clean you could be "down there" after every bathroom break no matter where you are—well, it should bring a pleasant smile (or mischievous grin) to your face.  We want to make you smile like that.

Get Your PocketBidet® Today!
